Sunday, July 5, 2009

GeoCities to shut down October 26

The old free web hosting service, GeoCities, will shut down on October 26, 2009. While I had moved much of the website files from GeoCities, I still had most of the Wolf Print files there. They will be moved to a new location soon. Ideally, in the future I will re-scan the Wolf Prints at higher resolutions since computer speeds are so much faster than they were when these sites were created in 1999.

If you have a Yahoo GeoCities account where you may have stored some files in the past, you should make sure to download them to your computer soon. If you have a lot of files to download, I recommend the Firefox browser add-on called Down-Then-All. Here is a link to a step by step download tutorial . The "Down-Them-All" link is also at this tutorial site.

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