I've got ownership of domain names SanRamonHigh.com and SRVHSClassof79.org, so the goal will be to make the actual location of the files less relevant than simply knowing the domain names above.
I have just began using Dropbox to store up to 2 GB of files online. They offer a public folder which should be adequate for storing my high school memorabilia files. The address doesn't exactly roll off the tongue -- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36395968/SanRamonHi/classof79.html -- but that's why we own srvhsclassof79.org, right?
I hope to keep this site going for many years to come. Much of the content is static -- like yearbook photos and school newspapers. Although there now are websites out there that have online versions of old yearbooks, I still plan to keep this site alive.