Friday, April 26, 2013

Devil Mountain Run returns May 5

After a one year hiatus, the Devil Mountain Run officially returns to Danville's streets on Sunday, May 5, 2013.  Children's Hospital in Oakland had been the sponsor/beneficiary of the event from 1978 to 2011.  In 2012, they made the decision to focus their fundraising efforts elsewhere and it was too late to stage an official replacement run. But we did have a large group get together at the Forward Motion Sports store on Hartz Avenue and run a 5k/10k unofficial race.  The people behind last year's event have come together with others to make the new Devil Mountain Run happen.  Registration information is at  This is a race I have run every year since its 1978 founding.

1977 Yearbook

After too many years of procrastination, I finally scanned the entire 1977 El Lobo yearbook this week.  It is now posted at my SmugMug account at